Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My very first blog award! I am sooo excited I could jump out of my skin!
Darling Anya Caliendo, a super-talented modiste and an incredible inspiration to so many of us was kind enough to include me in a group of fabulous blogs selected and awarded by her...Hurrayyy!
Big and warm THANKS, Anya!
If you have not yet visited her blog (and shop) you simply must! Her art is so classic, so feminine, and her creations are truly unforgetable! 
Anya, you made my day, my week, my month, my Spring! ox


  1. The first of many - for sure !

  2. Super Congrats! Who doesn't love your blog? By the way, thanks for the intro to Anya...her hats are AMAZING! I so wish I could wear a hat, maybe I've yet to find the right shape. My mother wears hats so beautifully, I've always been a tad jealous :)

  3. Oh, I am so happy you love it!!! it is very well deserved!After having my terrible computer crush experience last week I though it would be a great idea to appreciate those who inspire me every day. :-))))

  4. Jan - you are too kind, I am not sure about THAT!

    Heather - well, there are lots of people who don't love my blog (I am sure they are out there, somewhere...wink)...Hats, I adore hats - I am sure you are selling yourself short, Heather, you have a classic face, hats would suit you! ox

    Anya - once again, thank you! oxox
