Sunday, March 7, 2010

Word association.......

I love words and word games..
I play with words ~ a lot ~ they are like chess pieces to me....
Words are important symbols in my life - for me, they have not just meaning but form as well
(but more about that in another post).....

I am particularly fond of word association games...
What do you associate with the word "spring"? is my string of associations...

Spring = spring cleaning...

Spring cleaning = windows....
(I see her spring cleaning took a few days unless she did a costume change for each chore!)

Windows = Dutch windows, which I adore...

Stunning Dutch windows at Zaanze Schans .............

Holland = tulips! = Spring!!!

A field of tulips in Alkmaar, Holland...

Spring = JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Flickr: Siebe, Allard One, cannong2fan, mobilohm, Zamm, robokow


  1. SPRING = Mattress - Trampoline
    Duh !
    What IS wrong with me this evening ? :)
    Oh yes, words = fun for me too.
    Have a great week AJ !

  2. Oh, Jan! I laughed and laughed and laughed when I read your post...Kevin came to ask if I was choking! There is NOTHING wrong with you - silly of me to assume spring meant just one thing - you are right - it does not!!! So glad your photo is up again...I felt I had to raise my voice in the posts to make sure you heard me in the event you were in another room! (wink)...oxoxo AJ

  3. Oh my goodness... so many beautiful photos! I love the windows and the tulips!!! So bright and colorful :)

    xoxo Laura

  4. AJ darling,
    the field of tulipsss gave me nice goose bumps!
    WOW!!! gloriousss...


  5. Thank you so much, Laura, and hug for visiting! ox

    Lenore: I am very fond of that photo myself - glad you like it too! ox

  6. Witaj !
    Jak zwykle całe mnóstwo przepięknych zdjęć i wspaniale oddałaś nimi wiosnę.
    zapraszam do mnie po wyróżnienie.
    Pozdrawiam ciepło i serdecznie.
