Monday, August 10, 2009


I invite you all, wholeheartedly, to read the latest post of Maire Dodd at I have taken up her challenge and will blog about myself later this week, assuming I do not chicken out and words like pride and narcissism do not push out my so-far-so-good intentions... :)

1 comment:

  1. i am glad my post connected with you the way akilah's lit a torch for me... no chickening out! there are things about you that are special to your Self, that you may have worked hard at... i guess what i really tried to relay is that my intention was not to be narcissistic or pride-ful... i am at a crossroads where, if i do not acknowledge somewhere in my being that there are positive attributes about mySelf, i will surely lose myself to those voices that tell me otherwise... i don't think we should go through life beating ourselves up, nor do i think we need to shout from the mountains tops how great we are... but i think this was a good homework assignment to jumpstart a journey into listening to an inner voice that may be affirming rather than damning...
    very very much looking forward to your post...
