Friday, February 26, 2010

An Affair Weekend

This weekend, I am going to have a long and slow affair with both versions of the Thomas Crown Affair...I adore both and plan on watching them over and over again...I have seen them so many times, I can pretty much recite the dialogues by now but, what can I say...I still smile at the stories they tell of man-woman magic....
Stylish, intelligent enough to entice and entertain but not stuffy at all, beautiful cinematography and beautiful people, of course...the perfect "when is spring finally coming" tonic for me!
And I will wear a hat while wait, I will change in and out of a number of hats..and I will drink a green drink....

Happy Weekend to you ALL, whatever your plans!
Buzi AJ
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  1. OH sounds like so much fun! Have an amazing weekend!


  2. What a lovely thing to do! Such a great film.

    Happy watching!

  3. The 'green drink' to which you refer - tea or absinthe ? (it's poison you know - not the tea obviously)
    Have a great (relaxing !) weekend. xxx

  4. Rachel - kisses right back at ya!oxox

    Becca - have a memorable weekend yourself!

    Jan - I know she explains in the movie (the second one) what that green slop is but I always forget - a "health" drink, for sure, but I am going to stick with something much less healthy -how about Chartreuse? is that green enough? oxox
