Thursday, February 4, 2010

Were you thinking of a new hair colour for spring?

~here are some options~
~fabulous fuscia~
~yummy yellow~
~brilliant blue~
~pretty pink~
Courtesy of Alexis Mabille's (Spring 2010) fertile imagination and great sense of proportion and style....
~those vents may be a little cool on April but some May, they will rock!~

Black, pink and yellow - super combo!
Not your Stevie Nicks "hankie dress"
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  1. Excellent comment regarding ageing over at Lenore's blog today.
    (just wanted you to know that's what I thought)
    And you're a Capricorn !
    Best wishes & have a good weekend.

  2. Thanks so much for taking the time to post, Jan! I am glad my comment made sense to you..when I read others, a little later, I felt like mine was out of place, perhaps too critical of others, that they did not understand...but I really don't think young women do know what it means to age. I am not sitting in a dark room because of it...I just acknowledge it and deal with it but denying that it is happening is also silly, I think.
    I LOOOVE your blog and will follow it often....the content is so fresh and inventive! ox
