Thursday, July 9, 2009


I have always believed that our minds have triggers which, when set off, bring on sometimes floods, sometimes hints of memories, depending on the depth/size of the trigger. These triggers include fragrances, angles of the sun on particular objects, and definitely photographs. You might respond: "But of course - I am often reminded of particular situations when I look at photos of my family and friends!" I agree but I think it's a little more than that. At least in my case, a particular photo can truly adjust my mood at the time, sometimes more, sometimes less, but with real results. What we surround ourselves with, including the photographs around us, matter for how we is a wonderful Etsian, Photoamato, whose photographs will have a huge impact on you, if you let them (and you should!). She lives in the San Francisco Bay area and I sincerely invite you to read her Etsy profile for more information about her. She has a great feel for her craft and her subject matter is wide ranging so you are sure to find something to suit your moods and your needs. Find her at

here are a couple of her fabulous pieces!


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