Sunday, January 31, 2010

Edgy little flowers....

DIOR Haute Couture S/S 2010 - to me, they look like beautiful, delicate flowers ~ a little ruffled by a cat running through the flowerbeds at night.....a little edgy too!
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  1. Hi there,
    Thanks so much for your comment over at Debs. Wasn't she just wonderful for doing that brilliant post ? She is so kind and caring. I thought I'd pop over and see you and, although I'm not crazy about 'labels', my favourites are Dolce and Gabanna, and who do I see on your sidebar bur D&G !! Will be back to see you, often. XXXX

  2. Thanks so much for posting, Jacqueline! You have a truly inspiring blog and I am sure to share it with my friends and customers on facebook and's so nice to see that you and Deb have maintained such an excellent friendship and have not even met! I was born in Poland and grew up in West Africa, and have lived in Canada for most my adult life so I, too, have friends across the world and reading each other's blogs certainly keeps us up-to-date when we cannot write directly....Happy Birthday, you are a beautiful and very stylish cat! oxoxox
