Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hanoi Jane?

I recently read Jane Fonda's autobiography and I have to tell you ~ I quite enjoyed it! If you would like my copy, email me your address and I will post it to you..(fcfs)
~anywho~....I know she has a sense of humour so she must chuckle at her overly "femme" persona in
Barbarella (1968)...
~no, it does not offend me...I think it's hilarious and in some way, very beautiful!

THOSE BOOTS! I loooove every pair!

The costume designers were Jacques Fonteray and Paco Rabane (aka Paco Rabanne)....
yawza - don't forget this is 1968!!!! I know we have seen stuff like this on our runways but 'cmon, this must have been pretty racy for its time!

Those green boots ~ I covet....

Come closer, Mister, or I will shoot....

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credits: Thinkquinfiles.wordpress.com,Nohway.files.wordpress.com,Collider.com
Modculture.com, google.com


  1. These shots are fabulous!! She is quite the woman!!


  2. I'm with you totally on the green boots!!!

  3. I lurrrve Barbarella costumes~ designer Thierry Mugler was inspired by the design~ fab* fashion moment that was...

  4. Barbarella - how could anyone find it offensive ?
    Lost count of how many times I've seen it.
    Ok, it is a little weird at times, ('come to me my pretty pretty')but brilliantly done.

  5. Laura, Love...... Jane = Woman!
    Sara - we both love green, I see!
    Lenore: you are soo right about dear old Thierry!
    Jan - you rascal - the weirdness makes it all the more brilliant!
